Huiles de Poivre de Sichuan

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4 produits

Sichuan Pepper Oil Green Sichuan Pepper Oil (10ml | 120ml | 1.8L)
Sichuan Pepper Oil Green Sichuan Pepper Oil (10ml | 120ml | 1.8L)
Huile de Poivre du Sichuan Vert (120ml / 275ml)
50Hertz Sichuan Pepper  Red Sichuan Pepper Oil (10ml | 120ml | 1.8L)
50Hertz Sichuan Pepper  Red Sichuan Pepper Oil (10ml | 120ml | 1.8L)
Huile de Poivre du Sichuan Rouge (120 ml / 275 ml)

How do you use our Sichuan pepper oils?

Use it as a FINISHING oil

Drizzle over food to tingle it up! (A little goes a long way!)

Use it as a COOKING oil

Cook with it during your stir-fridays. (Intensity of the tingle will be reduced)

Chug it?

Please don't do that. (We are not responsible for the intense numbing)